
This is a paragraph of text. It's just regular text and should be followed by another paragraph or two so I can check spacing in between them. I'd love to use some filler text or copy/paste the same thing but writing real content is more natural.

This is a second paragraph with bold text for emphasis. It's generated using markdown to make sure it's consistent with regular articles. Next comes an <hr> tag to separate sections of paragraphs.

This is the third paragraph with italicized text for second voice. Hopefully three paragraphs is enough to check the spacing between multiple blocks of text. This one isn't long enough yet so here's one more sentence.

  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item
  • Unordered list item

One more paragraph to break the list-items up and ensure they're not interfering with each other within the styleguide.

  1. First ordered list item
  2. Second ordered list item
  3. Third ordered list item

One more paragraph to break the blockquotes up and ensure they're not interfering with each other within the styleguide.

This is a blockquote generated by markdown. It is a single-paragraph blockquote.

One more paragraph to break the blockquotes up and ensure they're not interfering with each other within the styleguide.

This is a blockquote generated by markdown. It is a multi-paragraph blockquote, and this is the first paragraph.

Here's the second paragraph within a multi-graph blockquote. Sometimes a longer story is quoted and multiple paragraphs need to look good too.

One more paragraph to break the blockquotes up and ensure they're not interfering with each other within the styleguide.

This is an update to an entry. It unfortunately cannot be created with markdown but at least having this in the styleguide lets me check on it

Heading level 1

Heading level 2

Heading level 3

Heading level 4

Heading level 5
Heading level 6

Let's use some code blocks. Try a "p" tag <p> I should NOT be on a new line. Here's an inline-code.block and using Prism you can also syntax-highlight multiple types of code:

<!-- Visible HTML comment -->
<p>This is HTML <em>markup</em>.</p>
/* This is CSS */
.my-selector {
  --prop: 3px;
// Is this JavaScript?
(function () {
  return true;

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